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In the tradition of Holy Jubilees dating back to the Old Testament, the Holy Father has proclaimed a Jubilee Year for 2025 under the theme ”Pilgrims of Hope.“ This extraordinary year invites the faithful across the world to seek deeper communion with God, renewal of faith, and reconciliation through pilgrimage, prayer, and acts of mercy. Here at St. John the Evangelist, Calgary, we are blessed to be designated as a pilgrimage site for this Holy Year where the graces and Jubilee Indulgence can be received. As such, we warmly welcome you to join us in celebrating this special time of grace and spiritual renewal.


What is a Jubilee Year?

A Jubilee Year is a sacred time in the Catholic Church when the faithful are invited to renew their commitment to God and experience His mercy in an extraordinary way. Historically, Jubilees have been times of forgiveness, healing, and spiritual refreshment, inspired by the biblical Jubilee described in Leviticus 25. For centuries, these Holy Years have included the opportunity for pilgrims to receive a plenary indulgence—a remission of temporal punishment for sin—by fulfilling certain spiritual and sacramental practices.

     The Jubilee 2025 extends this invitation with a particular emphasis on the journey of pilgrimage. As Pope Francis explains, ”We are all pilgrims on this earth. The heart of the Jubilee is the journey towards the loving embrace of the Father.“ Pilgrimage is not only a physical journey, but also a spiritual one, an outward expression of our inward longing for God.


St. John the Evangelist: A Pilgrimage Site for Jubilee Graces

Our parish, St. John the Evangelist, has been honoured as a designated pilgrimage site for the Jubilee 2025. This means that those who visit our humble parish church, and fulfill the prescribed conditions for the Jubilee Indulgence, can experience its graces in a profound way. These conditions include:


• a spirit of detachment from sin;

• sacramental Confession (within a reasonable time, typically about 20 days before or after the pilgrimage);

• reception of Holy Communion;

• prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father (an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be are customary), and

• participation in a liturgical celebration or time of prayer at the pilgrimage site.


As you enter our sacred space, we pray that you encounter the peace of Christ and feel inspired to draw closer to Him. Our church, with its rich Ordinariate tradition, blends the beauty of Catholic worship with an English spiritual heritage, offering a unique and profound experience of faith.


The call to pilgrimage

Pilgrimage has always been a vital expression of Christian devotion. As St. Thomas More beautifully expressed, “The pilgrimage of life is full of peril, but the sight of the City of God gives the weary heart courage.” This Jubilee Year invites us to take up the call to pilgrimage—both physically, by visiting sacred sites, and spiritually, by seeking a deeper relationship with God.

     St. John the Evangelist will be hosting a variety of events throughout the year to help you on this journey of faith. These will include: Special Jubilee Masses including a special celebration of the Votive Mass of the Five Wounds, opportunities for Confession and Eucharistic Adoration, learning opportunities, and community events that foster fellowship and deepen our shared hope. Details will be shared on our website and in the parish bulletin. We encourage you to take full advantage of these opportunities as we celebrate this Holy Year together.


Plan your pilgrimage

Whether you live nearby or are planning a journey from afar, we invite you to include St. John the Evangelist in your Jubilee pilgrimage. Our parish is a welcoming place where you can pause to pray, reflect, and renew your spirit. For those unfamiliar with the Ordinariate tradition, this is also a wonderful chance to experience its rich liturgy and distinctive beauty — especially the celebration of the Venerable English Mass.

     As Pope Francis reminds us, “Pilgrimage helps us to recognise the grace and blessing that come from encountering others and sharing the journey.” Let this Jubilee Year be an opportunity for you to encounter Christ anew, deepen your faith, and rediscover the hope that sustains us all as pilgrims on the road to heaven.

     We look forward to welcoming you to St. John the Evangelist during this Jubilee Year. May this sacred time inspire and renew us all as we journey together as Pilgrims of Hope.


Ordinariate Prayer for the Jubilee Year 2025

O BLESSED Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our most gentle Queen and Mother, look down in mercy upon us, our families, our Parish and Ordinariate, and upon all who greatly hope and trust in thy prayers, as we implore thine aid and intercession in this Jubilee Year. By thee it was that Jesus, our Saviour and hope, was given to the world; and he has given thee to us that we may hope still more. O gracious Mother, plead for us thy children, whom thou didst receive and accept at the foot of the Cross when thou received the Beloved Disciple into thine embrace. Intercede too for our separated brethren, that with us in the one true fold they may be united to the Chief Shepherd, the Vicar of thy Son. Pray for us all, dear Mother, that our hearts may be filled with holy hope, and that we may never fail to trust in God our Saviour, but by walking in the way of His commandments we may merit to be united with Him, and with thee in the eternal charity of Heaven.  Amen.


Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.

Saint Peter the Apostle, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us. 

All Holy Saints of God, pray for us.

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St. John the Evangelist is a Catholic Parish of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. Our Bishop is the Most Rev’d Steven Lopes, our Dean and Pastor is the Very Rev’d Robert-Charles Bengry, our Parochial Vicar is the Rev‘d Sean-Patrick Beahen.



Telephone: 403.265.5072



1423 8 Avenue, SE, Calgary, AB, T2G 0N1




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